Let's keep those masks on and continue social distancing!

I am ashamed to admit...when this "thing" all started...I thought it was a crock. I didn't take it seriously. I thought it was some political scheme to detract or steer our attention from something more ominous. Now...I'm taking it very seriously. We have to social distance ourselves and our family until we get the all clear. Will things return to normal? Yes. A new normal. A kinder...gentler normal. Since this all began...I have actually met and talked to my NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS. Can you imagine...living 20 feet from someone and for 1, 5 or 10 years...never speaking? Well...I have great neighbors. We will help each other and we will get through this. Simple pleasures like running water...clean clothes...food...things I took for granted will be treasured moving forward. I am extremely fortunate and blessed to still have a job that I love...and I have never taken that for granted...but now...I treasure it even more. So Happy Hump Day! We will get through this! State law.

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