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Thirty-two years ago I graduated from Eastern Kentucky University...a dandy Lambda Chi! As you can see from this photo...I wasn't the typical frat boy. With my semi black eye, shirt that wouldn't button because I had gained so much weight from countless dime draft nights, a crooked tie, an over sized sports coat I borrowed from the photographer (leather jackets were frowned upon) and my wicked afro...I at least added a bit of flavor and variety to the chapter. I wish I had participated in more of the events and been a better friend and brother...but I was the rebel without a cause. I didn't feel like I fit in. Now that I am older and wiser...it wasn't the brothers making me feel that way...it was all me. We can't go back...but we can move forward. I have re-established a relationship with some of my brothers, tried to make amends to those I shut the door to all those years ago and have met some really solid dudes that left the welcome sign burning.
Phi Beta 138 Χαλεπὰ τὰ καλά