Yesterday wife calls my name from the basement. I replied and she said, "Come down're not going to like this"...and she was right. Our water heater had released it's contents to the floor. Then I get a call from the radio station saying we were having programming a mad dash to the station I made. Problem identified and corrected. At this point I'm thinking the day is shot. How could I allow myself to have any fun when my family is huddled around space heaters...without hot water? wife and daughter went shopping out of town with my son, Cam and I decide to head out into the great outdoors. After a quick lunch at DuPont Lodge...we headed down to Cumberland Falls. WOW! Frozen...everything was frozen. All sidewalks leading to the falls were shut and me being the responsible parent...climbed the fence and over we went. Then I asked Cam if he had ever been to Keno Bridge...he said no we went. The place had changed little since I was his age. He asked if I had ever been to Garland Bend Overlook. I told him off we went. WOW! I hate heights but this was beautiful. Then we came home...built a small fire in the backyard and unfolded our chairs...sat and talked and listened to some great music. All in all...a great day! am to meet my new plumber friend and hopefully...we shall have hot water and a dry basement by the end of the day. Time to grab a guitar and further my road to Zen. Happy Monday! Now...let's ROCK!
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