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Back in '67...I would have been an almost 4 year old and into The Beatles, Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis...wore custom made threads (my Grandmother made this spiffy ensemble)...consumed catered meals (my Grandmother waited on me hand and foot)...and I had a deep love for radio. This particular photo was taken to be placed in the local newspaper in celebration of "Master Rodney Keith Stinson having reached the ripe old age of 4" on June 1st. I remember this photo shoot as if it were yesterday. That look on my face is exactly what it appears to be. That is my "you've got to be kidding me" look that has not changed since. The photographer was using a series of squeaky toys and bouncy balls to make me smile. The only thing that would have brought a smile to my face that day would have been for a ventriloquist to stick his hand in my back and pull down on my string. Needless to say...I was forever remembered for this magnificent "I'm neither impressed nor amused by your tomfoolery" gaze. So cheers to "Throwback Thursday". Smiles not included.