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Back in 1991...my brother Ryan and I drove to E-Town to Alpha Recording Studio and bought 10 hours studio time...including an engineer and 2 inch tape. We banged out four songs in the allotted time. We submitted our tape to 98.1 Double Q in Lexington and hoped to get picked for Decent Exposure...a battle of the bands type thing. We got picked! Then we had a problem...Ryan and I played all the instruments on our demo...we needed a couple more players in order to pull off the l...ive gig. We got Rob and Chris on board and a few practices later...we hit the stage at Breedings and did a pretty good job of rocking the place down! Tony TNT TIlford interviewed us before we went on. How cool was that! Later...I submitted our 9 remaining cassettes to various record companies in hopes of something happening...a couple sent rejection letters...most sent nothing...but all kept our tapes. Fast forward to 2016...the guy with the largest cassette collection in the world...John Platt Sr. of Burnside...has me over to view his collection...and at the end of the visit...he hands me this tape and said, "Here, man...it's yours". I was gobsmacked! John reached out to record companies for free cassettes and somehow our demo got lumped in with a bunch of other cassettes and it ended up just a few miles from where I mailed it off! Touched is putting it mildly. Anyway...it was nice having a piece of my rock and roll history back in hand...now to find a cassette player!