DOUG talks to DAMON JOHNSON of LYNYRD SKYNYRD about Replacing GARY ROSSINGTON & the upcoming show at PINE KNOB

DOUG Talks To Detroits Own JOHN 5 about His New Music , New Solo Tour Coming To Detroit , and Joining Up With Motley Crue

DOUG TALKS TO JUDGE JOHN CHMURA about the Polish day Parade and The City of warren Birthday Bash This Weekend

DOUG Talks To WARREN HAYNES about the new upcoming Tour DREAMS & SONGS SYMPHONIC EXSPERIENCE July 20 at Meadowbrook!

DOUG Talks To DEREK ST. HOLMES about reuniting with TED NUGENT for the SLAUTE TO WARRIORS Event July 12 julu

DOUG Talks to MIKE LOVE of The BEACH BOYS about Hitting a New Milestone in Their Career !

DOUG Talks to TED NUGENT about SALUTE OUR WARRIORS EVENT and all things Nuge !

DOC TALKS TO ANDY APPLEBY CEO of the USPBL and Jimmy Johns Field about this seasons Upcoming Events

DOUG TALKS TO CALEB about the new Songs on the GASOLINE GYPSIES e.p and some of the Bands Upcoming Shows

Doug Talks to JEFF PILSON of FOREIGNER about the final Tour and the Induction intio The Rock hall Of Fame